Snowplows roll in Glacier Country

We have snow–enough to remind us there’s more on the way and to make pushing the double stroller good for the arms. We saw cross-country ski tracks yesterday as we stroller-plowed to a friend’s house for a tea party. We’ve confined our walks to town since our friend Amy got to see a mountain lion just past the big curve on Highway 49, heading toward Two Medicine. As with most sightings of the elusive cats, its gigungous tail gave it away.

It's so bright.

Refining his technique.

Local bear expert, Dan the Bear Man told us the black bears are denned but some grizzlies are still out. Earlier this month, Dan relocated a couple of black bears that had gorged themselves in the dumpsters behind the Two Medicine Grill. The bears’ presence did lend an element of excitement for the staff. There’s nothing like arriving to work at 5 am to find a bear blocking your way to the door or going to take the garbage out at 10 pm only to discern a large (as in 400 pound) figure lurking in the night.  Husband watched the bruin from the roof as he drained the swamp cooler for the season. Once Dan got that one moved, another arrived. Talk about a busy guy. He also got our bear magnet dumpsters removed which has greatly improved the look of things behind The Glacier Park Trading Company and Two Medicine Grill. It has also added, “garbage hauling” to the vast list of things that husband does. He’s taken to this latest task with his usual pluck and aplomb.

The Man.

Along with snow and fall, my Dad always enjoyed a good wedding. We had the chance to attend one he would’ve loved. One of his many God-children, Kyle, married a lovely woman, Tracey. Dad would’ve loved the mass, the amazing sit down dinner and the dance (which I hear was a lot of fun–we and the cherubs didn’t last that long.)

The Beautiful Wedding

In addition to a wedding, we also got to celebrate Merritt’s first birthday. Thanks to big brother’s tutelage, she got the hang of opening presents and was signing for “more.” She remains in the upper percentages for height and head circumference but her weight has dropped from the 90th to 50th. Height, weight and head–the standardized tests of infancy.

It's a train...the same one Husband had on his cakes. Thanks Grandma Judy!

Sing it to me again!

It’s 7 degrees as I write this and I just spooked a coyote on our back porch. I was headed out to, of all things, sweep the satellite dish free of snow so my recording of “Glee” could commence without a hitch–pathetic but fun. It’s not exactly the mega-fauna of bears and cats but it was wild and close to home. Here’s hoping your lives contain an element of wildness, as well!

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4 Responses to Snowplows roll in Glacier Country

  1. carol says:

    Dude! I just caught up with your blogs which are so excellent. And tear jerkers, I might add. That MFA program was lucky to have you. Very fun to read and great photos. Made me appreciate my own back yard even more. I am lucky to be so close to you and your family.

  2. chris o'brien says:

    Colleen your Blog is absoultely fantastic. Quite the wild life inyour little town.It is so very exciting Love Mom

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